by Babymoov


baby weaning apple

The benefits of apples:

You can find apples all year round. Indeed, there are several kinds of apples harvested all year round and they are often held in cold rooms. A basic ingredient in compotes and other cakes, they are often one of the first sweet foods you can give to your baby.   With versions with varying acidity levels and containing more or less water depending on the variety, not all apples are suitable for cooking.


On average, an apple weighs about 150 g. It provides 18 to 20 g of carbohydrates (on average 80 kcal) that are slowly absorbed by the body, causing a gradual and lasting feeling of being full.

Apples contain a wide variety of antioxidants, which are known to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve respiratory health.

Apples contain pectin, a soluble fibre. It has the property of forming a gel, which contributes to giving jams and fruit jellies their typical texture. These soluble fibres regulate the baby’s bowel movements.

Apples are rich in vitamin C, which is essential to develop the baby’s bones and fight infections.


Test them with Nutribaby ! Not all apples have the same texture when they are steam-cooked and will not hold your compotes together in the same way. Our favourite variety for preparing food is the Reinette Grise du Canada or Reinette Blanche du Canada. Relatively cheap and discreet under its thick skin, it leaves all its competitors far behind! Don’t you agree?


Apples are at the basis of the weaning process. Their taste is neither too sweet nor too overpowering, they goes well with any other kind of fruit.