by Babymoov

THE new « Cooking Babyfood » mobile application


As baby grows, his nutritional needs also change. It’s now time to discover new tastes and textures and so you’re going to focus for several months on putting variety into baby’s diet. To help you along the way, Babymoov has launched its first mobile application specially dedicated to food for baby!

There are already more than 100 recipes and 50 files providing useful tips available and the database for these will be added to at the same rate as that of our  » Cooking babyfood  » blog which it stems from. Make sweet or savoury recipes step by step using the Nutribaby!

Available on Play Play Store HERE and Apple Store HERE


Do a search by foodstuff or by age and even find specific recipes for mums-to-be or breastfeeding mums. « Cooking Babyfood » is an application designed for babies but it also has mums-to-be and young mums in mind.


Because each child is different, the « Cooking Babyfood » app is also fully customisable. Consequently, you can create a personal account and add the age and favourite foods of each of your children.


Once you’ve created your children’s profile, you will get a selection of recipes designed for your child and will even be able to receive suggestions as soon as a new recipe becomes available.


You can also add your favourite recipes to your personal page and make comments on them depending on your taste and creativity.

This application will quickly become an essential friend when it comes to varying your child’s diet!

« Cooking Babyfood » can be downloaded on Google Play Store and Apple Store