by Babymoov

Sample weekly menu for babies from 12 to 17 months

Sample menu 12 to 17 months

The baby is now one year old and can try more and more fruits, vegetables and even meat and fish. Its needs are ever more increasing and amounts will need to be adjusted.

Also take a look again at our special report on the « Sample weekly menu for babies from 4 to 8 months old » and  « Sample weekly menu for babies from 9 to 11 months old »


As during the last three months, give the baby 240 ml of milk in the morning. You can now opt for semi-skimmed cow milk.
Complete breakfast with a serving of cereals or bread.


You can give the baby about 200g of purée, always follow the proportion of 1/3 of starchy food and 2/3 of vegetables. Add 20g of meat or fish and a teaspoon of fat.

For dessert, a serving of fruit or compote will be welcome.


The baby will now need one serving of dairy, one serving of fruit and a biscuit. You can give the baby a complete gourmet dessert by combining these three foods, such as in this delicious vitamin-packed winter fruit snack or a peach panna cotta for baby.


The baby can still have 150ml of milk, but also 180ml of vegetable soup. This delicious Butternut, carrot and goat’s cheese purée should be a treat for your child before a sweet night.


>> Find our recipes for babies from 12 to 18 months <<