Put them in the basket of your Nutribaby and start a 15 minute cooking cycle.
Put the peas in the blender bowl with a bit of crème fraiche and the coriander and blend until you obtain a fairly fluid texture.
Peas are rich in minerals and vitamins while having a fairly low glycemic index. They will fill you up and stop you from snacking after you have eaten.
They also contain a lot of magnesium to help you fight stress and fatigue as well as muscle cramps.
Lastly, peas are rich in fibre which is good for your digestion.
Preparation: 10 minutes – Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Wash and shell the peas.
Put them in the basket of your Nutribaby and start a 15 minute cooking cycle.
Put the peas in the blender bowl with a bit of crème fraiche and the coriander and blend until you obtain a fairly fluid texture.
Peas are rich in minerals and vitamins while having a fairly low glycemic index. They will fill you up and stop you from snacking after you have eaten.
They also contain a lot of magnesium to help you fight stress and fatigue as well as muscle cramps.
Lastly, peas are rich in fibre which is good for your digestion.
Another ideas
Panna cotta with raspberry coulis
MUM’S RECIPE: Salmon, leek and goat’s cheese flan